Stengel products
Tradition - enjoyment - uniqueness
The sparkling wine for people who appreciate something special!
Stengel sparkling wine is a sparkling product full of life -
Every creation has a soul and embodies a wide variety of characters /
Every single sparkling wine and wine has its own personality and this is reflected in its unmistakable taste.
"Enjoy and experience whatever you feel like.
Immerse yourselfinto our world of wonderful aromas and wonderful enjoyment".
Your Stengel family.
Our vineyards are located in the heart of the Weinsberger Valley.
Wine-growing tradition here dates back to the 12th century, so wine and agriculture have shaped people to this day.
Soil, climate and the location of the vineyards have a decisive influence on the character of the wines.
Every year we are allowed to process the grapes that nature gifts us with into the cultural drink of wine.
The vinedresser can nurture and care for the vines; nature decides what ultimately comes of it. The wines are classified into a scheme by the legislator (wine law) according to their quality and quality.
1. Table wine
2. Quality wine
3. Quality wine with a rating like Kabinett
Late harvest selection
This now results in a variety of wines from which wine lovers can take full advantage!
Stengel top wines, these are wines in a class of their own!
Because these fine droplets are also the basis of our award-winning sparkling wines.
Suitable for every occasion, just for the special moments in life!
Stengel sparkling wine, the special pleasure.
The Stengel family wishes you lots of joy and fun (we would also be happy to advise you personally).
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Serve sparkling wine properly
Stengel brand sparkling wine served correctly:
Nunc est bibendum (Let us drink now)
But how do you go about it correctly?
First of all, the temperature and pre-storage are important. The bottle should rest for a few hours (preferably longer) after transport. Gently chilled, not exactly with a freezer shock, but pre-chilled in the fridge. (The temperature in the household refrigerator is around 6-8°C) This is probably fine for hot summer enjoyment, as the glass heats up quickly due to the high outside temperature. The enjoyment temperature should be around 10°C and no less. Fine aromas require a certain temperature to develop. But the most important thing is: take your time and enjoy!
However, too much time also results in a certain amount of heating in the glass.
If one of your guests forgets their glass, pour a new one without making a fuss, but do not add half the warm champagne. If the company is overly talkative, you can give a small nod to the special nature of the treat being served.
The price information here would be wrong. It would be more appropriate to carefully pursue this specialty in view of the select society.
When organizing your stock of sparkling wine, think about your storage options.
The direct manufacturer can do this best, otherwise only a few dealers. Light (including neon light) and temperature fluctuations are the biggest enemy of the sparkling drink.
Remember that sparkling wine is born and matures in the dark, cool cellar.
It is better to order smaller quantities, as this keeps the risk within limits.
The glasses also play a certain role.
The good glasses are usually stored in the display case and there is not always the best ventilation there. A neutral smelling glass is important. A full glass is important for some, but the connoisseur fills it no more than half. If possible, aromatic substances should exude in the glass and not in the room.
Enjoyment is a matter of the soul, always remember, this is the only way to bring joy in life.